Aftercare Precautions
Click on the treatment to view details.
➊ Redness, swelling, or bruising may occur after treatment but will subside after 1-2 weeks.
➋ After treatment, it may feel awkward or difficult to make facial expressions. Please refrain from forcing these
expressions to help them appear more natural.
➌ On the day of treatment, it is ok to gently wash your face and apply makeup. However, please refrain from
receiving skin botox.
➍ After treatment on the jaw area, please avoid hard or tough foods.
➎ After treatment for salivary glands, you may experience temporary dry mouth. Drinking small amounts of water
frequently will help relieve any discomfort.
➏ It is recommended to avoid wearing high heels after receiving calf botox.
➐ It is recommended to avoid lifting heavy objects after receiving trapezius botox.
➑ Please avoid drinking, smoking, saunas, massages, and strenuous exercise for one week after treatment.
➊ After treatment, temporary bruising or swelling may occur.
➋ Please avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 1 week after treatment.
➌ Be careful not to apply strong pressure to the treatment area, such as rubbing or squeezing.
- - Forehead/Temples: Be careful not to apply pressure to the area if wearing a hat.
- - Under-eye/Cheeks: Be careful not to apply pressure to the area if wearing a mask.
- - Nose: Please avoid wearing glasses for 2 weeks after treatment.
- - Lips: Please avoid using straws or biting your lips for 2 weeks after treatment.
➍ Be careful not to sleep on your stomach or side for 2 weeks after treatment.
➎ If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the clinic.
➊ Redness, fever, stinging, or swelling may occur after treatment but will subside after 1-2 weeks.
➋ Avoid harsh stimulation or peeling of the treated areas.
➌ You can return to normal activities right after treatment, including washing your face and applying makeup.
➍ It is recommended to wash your face with lukewarm water for 2-3 days after treatment.
➎ For moisturization, we recommend drinking plenty of water and using a regenerative cream.
➏ Avoid direct sunlight after treatment and be sure to wear sunscreen.
➐ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous activity for 1 week after treatment.
➊ Redness, heat, pain, or swelling can occur after treatment but will subside after 1-2 weeks.
➋ If using a sheet mask after treatment, use one that has been kept at room temperature.
➌ Avoid harsh stimulation or peeling of the treated areas.
➍ You can return to normal activities right after treatment, including washing your face and applying makeup.
➎ It is recommended to wash your face with lukewarm water for 2-3 days after treatment.
➏ For moisturization, we recommend drinking plenty of water and using a regenerative cream.
➐ Avoid direct sunlight after treatment and be sure to wear sunscreen.
➑ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous activity for 1 week after treatment.
➊ Bruising, swelling, or pain may occur after treatment but will gradually improve over 2-3 weeks.
➋ After treatment you may experience soreness, a pulling sensation, thread visibility, or the feeling of a foreign
body in the skin. These feelings are natural and will gradually improve.
➌ Apply a cold compress to the treated area for 2 days after treatment to help reduce swelling.
➍ Avoid opening your mouth wide or rubbing the area.
➎ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 1-2 weeks after treatment.
➏ You can begin to wash your face and apply makeup on the day after treatment.
➐ Please keep the regenerative bandage (DuoDerm) on the treatment area for 1 week.
➑ You may experience a bumpy or uneven appearance after treatment due to swelling. This will gradually improve
over time.
➒ Please take prescribed medications as directed.
➓ Please contact the clinic if severe pain, fever, or itchiness occurs.
➊ Injection marks may be visible for 2-3 days after treatment.
➋ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 1-2 days after treatment.
➌ Please avoid actions that may irritate the skin, such as exfoliating, and wash your face gently for 1 week after
- - You may feel a stinging or burning sensation when washing your face or applying makeup for 1-2 days after treatment.
- - Small dead skin cells may appear, but avoid picking them and be sure to apply a sufficient amount of moisturizer.
➍ If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the clinic.
➊ Temporary redness or swelling may occur after treatment.
➋ Please avoid actions that may irritate the skin, such as exfoliating, and wash your face gently for 1 week after
- - You may feel a stinging or burning sensation when washing your face or applying makeup for 1-2 days after treatment.
- - Small dead skin cells may appear, but avoid picking them and be sure to apply a sufficient amount of moisturizer.
➌ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 2-3 days after treatment.
➍ If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the clinic.
➊ Injection marks may be visible for 2-3 days after treatment.
➋ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 1-2 days after treatment.
➌ Please avoid actions that may irritate the skin, such as exfoliating, and wash your face gently for 1 week after
- - You may feel a stinging or burning sensation when washing your face or applying makeup for 1-2 days after treatment.
- - Small dead skin cells may appear, but avoid picking them and be sure to apply a sufficient amount of moisturizer.
➍ If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the clinic.
➊ Temporary stinging or dull pain may occur after treatment.
➋ After treatment, gently massage the area.
★5/5/5 Rule★ Massage the area for 5 minutes, 5 times a day, for 5 days.
➌ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 3-4 days after treatment.
➍ Results will appear after 4 weeks, and treatment is recommended at 1-month intervals.
➎ If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the clinic.
➊ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 1 week after treatment.
➋ After treatment, gently massage the area.
- ★5/5/5 Rule★ Massage the area for 5 minutes, 5 times a day, for 5 days.
➌ Please be careful not to sleep face-down or on your side for 2 weeks after treatment.
➍ Temporary bruising, swelling, or pain may occur but will gradually improve over 1-2 weeks.
➎ In case of swelling, apply a cold compress for 2 days after treatment and apply a hot compress thereafter.
➏ In case of a lumpy feeling after treatment, gently massage the area without applying excessive pressure.
➐ If swelling continues for more than 1 week, please contact the clinic.
➑ If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the clinic.
➊ Fever, swelling, or bruising may occur after treatment but will subside after 1-3 weeks.
➋ Temporary tremors, palpitations, or dizziness may occur but will subside within a few days.
➌ Please wait 4 hours after treatment to shower.
➍ In case of swelling, apply a cold compress after treatment.
➎ It is recommended to drink plenty of water after treatment.
➏ Avoid drinking, smoking, saunas, massages, and strenuous exercise for 1 week after treatment.
➊ Temporary stinging, dull pain, swelling, or redness may occur after treatment.
➋ Please drink plenty of water to aid in the expelling of waste products.
➌ Please wait 2 hours to eat after treatment.
➍ Avoid drinking, sauna, and strenuous exercise for 3-4 days after treatment.
➎ If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the clinic.
[Arm Treatment]
- 1. Avoid strenuous exercise involving the arms for 1 week after treatment.
- 2. Avoid lifting heavy objects for 1 week after treatment.
[Abdominal Treatment]
- 1. Please wear comfortable clothes on the day of treatment.
- 2. Please wait 2 hours to eat after treatment.
- 3. Please drink plenty of water to aid in the expelling of waste products.
➊ The medication may cause palpitations or numbness in the hands or feet but will subside in a few days.
➋ Although rare, some medications have been reported to cause glaucoma. If you experience symptoms such as
decreased or blurred vision, stop taking the medication and visit a hospital immediately.
➌ It is recommended to take the medication 30 minutes before eating, but if you experience indigestion or
flatulence, you can take it 30 minutes after eating.
➍ Since symptoms such as dry mouth or constipation may occur, please drink plenty of water.
➎ Avoid taking medication if you are planning to become pregnant or breastfeed.
➏ Through consultation, and prescription will be issued and the length of time to take the medication will be
➐ If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the clinic.
➊ It is recommended to avoid shaving on the day of treatment.
➋ Avoid drinking, sauna, and strenuous exercise for 3-4 days after treatment.
➌ Please apply Bodmi cream and moisturizer to the treatment area.
➍ Take prescribed medications as instructed.
➎ Apply sunscreen to the treatment area.
➏ The area can be shaved 3-4 days after treatment. Since removing the hair can be difficult, use an electric razor if possible.
➐ Avoid rubbing or scrubbing the area for 1 week after treatment.
➑ If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the clinic.
➊ Redness, swelling, or bruising may occur but will subside after about 1 week.
➋ Avoid touching any dead skin cells and let them fall off naturally.
➌ You may wash your face and apply makeup on the same day as the treatment, but please avoid irritating or strong products.
➍ For moisturization, we recommend drinking plenty of water and using a regenerative cream.
➎ Avoid direct sunlight after treatment and be sure to wear sunscreen.
➏ Avoid drinking, smoking, saunas, and steam rooms for 1 week after treatment.
➊ Itchiness, stinging, or a pulling sensation may occur but will subside after about 1 week.
➋ Avoid touching any scabs or dead skin cells and let them fall off naturally.
➌ You may wash your face on the day of treatment, but avoid causing irritation.
➍ Avoid using scrubs and exfoliators.
➎ For moisturization, we recommend drinking plenty of water and using a regenerative cream.
➏ Avoid direct sunlight after treatment and be sure to wear sunscreen.
➐ Avoid drinking, smoking, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 1 week after treatment.
➊ Temporary stinging, dull pain, swelling, or redness may occur after treatment.
➋ The areas will darken for about 1-2 weeks after treatment and will then begin to gradually fade. Wash your face
gently and minimize irritation to allow the areas to fade naturally.
➌ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 1 week after treatment.
➍ Generously apply soothing ointment, regenerative cream, and sunscreen.
[Pico Eraser 1+1 Treatment]
- - It is recommended to receive the second treatment 1-2 months after the first session.
- - If the second laser treatment is not necessary, it can be replaced with another laser treatment.
➊ Pigmentation may occur after treatment due to skin type and exposure to UV rays or water.
➋ Avoid washing your face for 1-2 days after treatment. If fewer than 10 areas have been treated, you may wash
your face after applying a regenerative bandage (DuoDerm).
➌ The day after treating a flat wart, apply Neodex ointment to the area after lightly washing your face with only
➍ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 3-4 days after treatment.
➎ You can begin to wash your face with soap 3 days after treatment. Wash your face gently so that any scabs do not fall off. After washing, apply Lidomax ointment to the treated area.
➏ If the regenerative bandage (DuoDerm) absorbs pus and turns white, replace it with a new regenerative bandage. Generally, we recommend changing the bandage 3-4 times at intervals of 2-3 days.
➐ If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the clinic.
➊ Redness, swelling, or bruising may occur after
treatment but will subside after 1-2 weeks.
➋ After treatment, it may feel awkward or difficult to
make facial expressions. Please refrain from forcing
these expressions to help them appear more natural.
➌ On the day of treatment, it is ok to gently wash your face and apply makeup. However, please refrain from
receiving skin botox.
➍ After treatment on the jaw area, please avoid hard or tough foods.
➎ After treatment for salivary glands, you may
experience temporary dry mouth. Drinking small
amounts of water frequently will help relieve any
➏ It is recommended to avoid wearing high heels after receiving calf botox.
➐ It is recommended to avoid lifting heavy objects
after receiving trapezius botox.
➑ Please avoid drinking, smoking, saunas, massages,
and strenuous exercise for one week after treatment.
➊ After treatment, temporary bruising or swelling may occur.
➋ Please avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous
exercise for 1 week after treatment.
➌ Be careful not to apply strong pressure to the
treatment area, such as rubbing or squeezing.
- - Forehead/Temples: Be careful not to apply pressure to the area if wearing a hat.
- - Under-eye/Cheeks: Be careful not to apply pressure to the area if wearing a mask.
- - Nose: Please avoid wearing glasses for 2 weeks after treatment.
- - Lips: Please avoid using straws or biting your lips for 2 weeks after treatment.
➍ Be careful not to sleep on your stomach or side for 2 weeks after treatment.
➎ If you have any questions or concerns, please
contact the clinic.
➊ Redness, fever, stinging, or swelling may occur after treatment but will subside after 1-2 weeks.
➋ Avoid harsh stimulation or peeling of the treated areas.
➌ You can return to normal activities right after
treatment, including washing your face and applying
➍ It is recommended to wash your face with lukewarm water for 2-3 days after treatment.
➎ For moisturization, we recommend drinking plenty
of water and using a regenerative cream.
➏ Avoid direct sunlight after treatment and be sure to wear sunscreen.
➐ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous activity for
1 week after treatment.
➊ Redness, heat, pain, or swelling can occur after treatment but will subside after 1-2 weeks.
➋ If using a sheet mask after treatment, use one that
has been kept at room temperature.
➌ Avoid harsh stimulation or peeling of the treated areas.
➍ You can return to normal activities right after treatment, including washing your face and applying makeup.
➎ It is recommended to wash your face with lukewarm water for 2-3 days after treatment.
➏ For moisturization, we recommend drinking plenty
of water and using a regenerative cream.
➐ Avoid direct sunlight after treatment and be sure to wear sunscreen.
➑ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous activity for
1 week after treatment.
➊ Bruising, swelling, or pain may occur after treatment but will gradually improve over 2-3 weeks.
➋ After treatment you may experience soreness, a
pulling sensation, thread visibility, or the feeling of a
foreign body in the skin. These feelings are natural and will gradually improve.
➌ Apply a cold compress to the treated area for 2 days after treatment to help reduce swelling.
➍ Avoid opening your mouth wide or rubbing the area.
➎ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 1-2 weeks after treatment.
➏ You can begin to wash your face and apply makeup
on the day after treatment.
➐ Please keep the regenerative bandage (DuoDerm) on the treatment area for 1 week.
➑ You may experience a bumpy or uneven appearance after treatment due to swelling. This will gradually
improve over time.
➒ Please take prescribed medications as directed.
➓ Please contact the clinic if severe pain, fever, or
itchiness occurs.
➊ Injection marks may be visible for 2-3 days after
➋ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 1-2 days
after treatment.
➌ Please avoid actions that may irritate the skin, such as exfoliating, and wash your face gently for 1 week after treatment.
- - You may feel a stinging or burning sensation when washing your face or applying makeup for 1-2 days after treatment.
- - Small dead skin cells may appear, but avoid picking them and be sure to apply a sufficient amount of moisturizer.
➍ If you have any questions or concerns, please
contact the clinic.
➊ Temporary redness or swelling may occur after
➋ Please avoid actions that may irritate the skin, such as exfoliating, and wash your face gently for 1 week
after treatment.
- - You may feel a stinging or burning sensation when washing your face or applying makeup for 1-2 days after treatment.
- - Small dead skin cells may appear, but avoid picking them and be sure to apply a sufficient amount of moisturizer.
➌ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 2-3 days after treatment.
➍ If you have any questions or concerns, please
contact the clinic.
➊ Injection marks may be visible for 2-3 days after
➋ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 1-2 days after treatment.
➌ Please avoid actions that may irritate the skin, such as exfoliating, and wash your face gently for 1 week
after treatment.
- - You may feel a stinging or burning sensation when washing your face or applying makeup for 1-2 days after treatment.
- - Small dead skin cells may appear, but avoid picking them and be sure to apply a sufficient amount of moisturizer.
➍ If you have any questions or concerns, please
contact the clinic.
➊ Temporary stinging or dull pain may occur after
➋ After treatment, gently massage the area.
★5/5/5 Rule★ Massage the area for 5 minutes, 5 times a day, for 5 days.
➌ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 3-4 days after treatment.
➍ Results will appear after 4 weeks, and treatment is
recommended at 1-month intervals.
➎ If you have any questions or concerns, please
contact the clinic.
➊ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 1 week after treatment.
➋ After treatment, gently massage the area.
- ★5/5/5 Rule★ Massage the area for 5 minutes, 5 times a day, for 5 days.
➌ Please be careful not to sleep face-down or on your
side for 2 weeks after treatment.
➍ Temporary bruising, swelling, or pain may occur but will gradually improve over 1-2 weeks.
➎ In case of swelling, apply a cold compress for 2 days after treatment and apply a hot compress thereafter.
➏ In case of a lumpy feeling after treatment, gently
massage the area without applying excessive pressure.
➐ If swelling continues for more than 1 week, please
contact the clinic.
➊ Fever, swelling, or bruising may occur after
treatment but will subside after 1-3 weeks.
➋ Temporary tremors, palpitations, or dizziness may
occur but will subside within a few days.
➌ Please wait 4 hours after treatment to shower.
➍ In case of swelling, apply a cold compress after
➎ It is recommended to drink plenty of water after
➏ Avoid drinking, smoking, saunas, massages, and
strenuous exercise for 1 week after treatment.
➊ Temporary stinging, dull pain, swelling, or redness
may occur after treatment.
➋ Please drink plenty of water to aid in the expelling of waste products.
➌ Please wait 2 hours to eat after treatment.
➍ Avoid drinking, sauna, and strenuous exercise for 3-4 days after treatment.
➎ If you have any questions or concerns, please
contact the clinic.
[Arm Treatment]
- 1. Avoid strenuous exercise involving the arms for 1 week after treatment.
- 2. Avoid lifting heavy objects for 1 week after treatment.
[Abdominal Treatment]
- 1. Please wear comfortable clothes on the day of treatment.
- 2. Please wait 2 hours to eat after treatment.
- 3. Please drink plenty of water to aid in the expelling of waste products.
➊ The medication may cause palpitations or numbness in the hands or feet but will subside in a few days.
➋ Although rare, some medications have been reported to cause glaucoma. If you experience symptoms such as decreased or blurred vision, stop taking the
medication and visit a hospital immediately.
➌ It is recommended to take the medication 30 minutes before eating, but if you experience indigestion or
flatulence, you can take it 30 minutes after eating.
➍ Since symptoms such as dry mouth or constipation may occur, please drink plenty of water.
➎ Avoid taking medication if you are planning to
become pregnant or breastfeed.
➏ Through consultation, and prescription will be issued and the length of time to take the medication will be
➐ If you have any questions or concerns, please
contact the clinic.
➊ It is recommended to avoid shaving on the day of
➋ Avoid drinking, sauna, and strenuous exercise for 3-4 days after treatment.
➌ Please apply Bodmi cream and moisturizer to the
treatment area.
➍ Take prescribed medications as instructed.
➎ Apply sunscreen to the treatment area.
➏ The area can be shaved 3-4 days after treatment.
Since removing the hair can be difficult, use an
electric razor if possible.
➐ Avoid rubbing or scrubbing the area for 1 week after treatment.
➑ If you have any questions or concerns, please
contact the clinic.
➊ Redness, swelling, or bruising may occur but will
subside after about 1 week.
➋ Avoid touching any dead skin cells and let them
fall off naturally.
➌ You may wash your face and apply makeup on the same day as the treatment, but please avoid irritating or strong products.
➍ For moisturization, we recommend drinking plenty
of water and using a regenerative cream.
➎ Avoid direct sunlight after treatment and be sure to wear sunscreen.
➏ Avoid drinking, smoking, saunas, and steam rooms
for 1 week after treatment.
➊ Itchiness, stinging, or a pulling sensation may occur but will subside after about 1 week.
➋ Avoid touching any scabs or dead skin cells and let
them fall off naturally.
➌ You may wash your face on the day of treatment, but avoid causing irritation.
➍ Avoid using scrubs and exfoliators.
➎ For moisturization, we recommend drinking plenty
of water and using a regenerative cream.
➏ Avoid direct sunlight after treatment and be sure to wear sunscreen.
➐ Avoid drinking, smoking, saunas, and strenuous
exercise for 1 week after treatment.
➊ Temporary stinging, dull pain, swelling, or redness
may occur after treatment.
➋ The areas will darken for about 1-2 weeks after treatment and will then begin to gradually fade. Wash your
face gently and minimize irritation to allow the areas to fade naturally.
➌ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 1 week after treatment.
➍ Generously apply soothing ointment, regenerative
cream, and sunscreen.
[Pico Eraser 1+1 Treatment]
- - It is recommended to receive the second treatment 1-2 months after the first session.
- - If the second laser treatment is not necessary, it can be replaced with another laser treatment.
➊ Pigmentation may occur after treatment due to skin type and exposure to UV rays or water.
➋ Avoid washing your face for 1-2 days after treatment. If fewer than 10 areas have been treated, you may
wash your face after applying a regenerative bandage (DuoDerm).
➌ The day after treating a flat wart, apply Neodex ointment to the area after lightly washing your face with
only water.
➍ Avoid drinking, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 3-4 days after treatment.
➎ You can begin to wash your face with soap 3 days
after treatment. Wash your face gently so that any
scabs do not fall off. After washing, apply Lidomax
ointment to the treated area.
➏ If the regenerative bandage (DuoDerm) absorbs pus and turns white, replace it with a new regenerative
bandage. Generally, we recommend changing the
bandage 3-4 times at intervals of 2-3 days.
➐ If you have any questions or concerns, please
contact the clinic.